Prospective post-docs: If you have an idea for a post-doc project on wildlife disease, parasite ecology, or parasite-microbiome interactions please feel free to get in touch – I would be happy to collaboratively develop a proposal for post-doc funding.
Prospective graduate students: If you are interested in joining the lab as a Ph.D. and Master's students please reach out to tell me about your research interests and experiences and include a resume or CV. All prospective graduate students should plan on applying for graduate fellowships – these help pay for your tuition and salary, look great on your CV, and allow you to spend more time conducting your research. Some of the fellowships that you should consider include the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program and Ford Foundation.
Undergraduate Students
USU undergraduates interested in joining the lab should contact me via email: Sara.weinstein[at] Please be prepared to send me a CV and a description of your research interests when you contact me.